Category: Writing

Unleashing the Extraordinary: “One Pale Reflection” by Tycho Dwelis Takes Readers on a Thrilling Journey to MirrorWorld

Prepare to embark on an adventure into the enchanting realm of “One Pale Reflection,” a captivating young adult fantasy novel by acclaimed author Tycho Dwelis. With its enthralling narrative and spellbinding world-building, this highly anticipated book invites readers of all ages to delve into a world brimming with magic, danger, and the power of the imagination.

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Why should I build my own world for my fantasy novel?

In order to avoid appropriating cultures, repeating the same things that fantasy authors that have come before you, and writing huge cliches, you need to develop your own fantasy world. This will not only make your book stand out, but you as an author will have a greater understanding of your world’s residents, economy, architecture, and government.

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How do I write realistic kids?

The best way to write kids is to spend time with kids. If you don’t have physical access to a kid in the age range you need, turn to the internet. By watching how kids interact with each other and with adults, you’ll pick up on their mannerisms, their speech patterns, and any slang that they use.

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